Catechist Practical Training Course with Participation of Bishops Takes Place in Minsk

Catechist Practical Training Course with Participation of Bishops Takes Place in Minsk

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Catechist Practical Training Course with Participation of Bishops Takes Place in Minsk

Text: Natalla Łaŭrenka/ Photo: S. Maryja Miniutka/

On March 8, a practical training course for catechists of the archdiocese took place at the Christian Social Center of the Good Samaritan Charitable Mission on the initiative of the Catechetical Department of the Minsk-Mahiloŭ Archdiocese.

The meeting began with Holy Mass, which was celebrated by Archbishop Emeritus Tadevuš Kandrusievič, Bishop Alaksandr Jašeŭski SDB and Canon Priest Francišak Rudź.

In his homily, Bishop Jašeŭski, the head of the Catechetical Department of the Minsk-Mahiloŭ Archdiocese, offered the course participants to answer the important question: “Who is Christ in my life?”

To help those present in searching for an answer, the hierarch told about the fact that happened in 1955 in a small theater in Milan, where the production of Dyjeho Fabryi’s drama “The Trial of Jesus” was shown, which for a short time appeared on the stages of famous theaters around the world. The main initiative of the production came from a group of Jews who, after the Second World War, gathered to travel from one city to another to show people the trial of Jesus and thus verify whether He was judged justly or not.

“Our service as catechists requires a true and sincere love for God. Without it, our religiosity is superficial, and it can dissipate in a moment. Without love for God, nothing happens: without it, all our sacrifices, traditions, prayers, fasting, even the teaching of religion become empty. The modern world and people in it require tireless testimony that only Christ is the true Son of God, Savior and Merciful God,” said Bishop Alaksandr Jašeŭski at the end of his homily.

During the theoretical part of the course, conducted by Ursuline Sister Maryja Miniutka, the catechists were able to go back not only to their childhood and take part in catechesis for the 2nd grade, but also experienced the main events of the Easter Triduum. They clearly saw how Jesus gathers the apostles for the Last Supper, how he lovingly washes their feet, cleansing them of sins, how he institutes the sacrament of the Eucharist, predicts the betrayal of Judas, prays in the Olive Garden…

Then the participants experienced the drama of Good Friday, touching a branch with thorns, smelling vinegar, seeing huge nails and a crucified Savior.

Sister Maryja also reminded about the spirit of Holy Saturday, the symbols of which can be used in catechesis a heavy stone and fragrant herbs. She noted that it is necessary to explain to the children that the special feature of this day is silence, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and inner peace. This silence and contemplation helps to experience the Easter mood more deeply – a special joy that gives us hope, because Christ has risen, He has conquered death.

Salesian Sister Darja Jeŭtuchoŭskaja, covering the topic Games as an Element of Catechesis, introduced a number of interesting games, which actually have a very deep educational meaning. The participants tested the games Construction, So that All are One, Shepherd and Sheep, Radio Wave, Hear a Voice, The Hand that Guides, Binoculars, Be Attentive, Chicken Football. Catechists also got acquainted with games that help to deepen the topic of catechesis: Associations, Pantomime, What or Who is This”, Find a Pair, Your Game. We also remembered games that help to consolidate the topic of catechesis: Questionnaires in various forms, quizzes, Word Cloud, Mysterious Answer, considered games for family catechesis.

It seemed that after such dynamic, emotionally charged classes, the strength of those present had already run out. But it just seemed…

After dinner, the catechists were treated to another interesting part of the meeting: a puppet theater in the catechesis. Theater director Ludmiła Skitovič not only demonstrated the principle of shadow theater, but also taught catechesis teachers how to make a scene, and also held a master class on creating puppets and devices for this theater. Ludmiła Skitovič also showed how to make glove puppets for a puppet theater.

The organizers of the course hope that all participants will return to their communities enriched with new knowledge, with inspiration and a great desire to bear witness to Christ to their students.