Delegation from Caritas-Poland paid a visit to the Mission

Delegation from Caritas-Poland paid a visit to the Mission

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Delegation from Caritas-Poland paid a visit to the Mission

Representatives of Polish charity organisation met with Sister Czaslava and got to know the life of the Social Centre.

For more than a week already Mr. Mihal and Mr. Maciej have been travelling around Belarus and gathering information to report to the Ministry of International Affairs and Caritas-Poland. The reason is the project these organisations realised in Belarus “Creating 8 working integrative rooms for children in Belarus”. Courtesy of Polish sponsors one of those rooms was equipped and opened at our Centre.

Father Andrej Zylevic OFMCap, Head of Caritas of Minsk-Mahilou Archdeocese, accompanied the guests. Father told us that “the activity of Caritas is growing thanks to such interesting projects. More and more people get to know about Caritas thanks to our work. Personally I find great satisfaction in that works as, because of it, people are able to get help”.

What is an integrative room?

It is a simple room or a building, where both children and adults can meet up and spend time together, do hobbies or have classes. Children can do their homework there or just useful things they like. 
At our Social Centre this room has been open since September 2018. Various educational classes and clubs take place there.