Holy Mass of the Pastern in the celebration of the Nativity of the Lord

Holy Mass of the Pastern in the celebration of the Nativity of the Lord

Holy Mass of the Pastern in the celebration of the Nativity of the Lord

The Pasterka gathered many believers in the Christian Social Center, who, with their prayer and presence, once again honored the mystery of the incarnation of our Savior.

“Pasterka” is the Holy Mass on Christmas Day, which takes place in the evening after a vigil dinner. Its name comes from the Latin word pastor (shepherd), because the first people to whom the angels announced the wonderful news of the birth of Christ were the shepherds of Bethlehem, grazing their flock nearby. They were the first who came to worship the newborn Savior. Today believers, like those shepherdesses, also came to greet the baby.

This Holy Mass has a peculiar beauty and mystery, filling the hearts of believers with tranquility and joy. Beautiful scenery and sublime singing contribute to a festive mood, help to focus on this great event for all mankind.

Let the world of the newborn Jesus to illuminate our life and transform it for the better! Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem, must also be born in our hearts!

For photos, see the photo album “Pasterka. December 24, 2022 at the Christian Social Center”.