Liturgical Feast of Saint Ursula Ledóchowska

Liturgical Feast of Saint Ursula Ledóchowska

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Liturgical Feast of Saint Ursula Ledóchowska

On May, 29 liturgical feast of Saint Ursula Ledóchowska was celebrated at the Christian Social Center.

All the participants were preparing for this day through praying. Novena through the intercession of St. Ursula, the patron of the Charity Missions of the Good Samaritan, lasted for 9 days.

The celebration started with Holy Mass, and in the evening musical program was held. Little visitors of the center showed their talents through singing, music and dancing.

Sister Chaslava Navitskaya congratulated graduates of this year. Teaching catechism means raising kids up according to the Christian faith. It is based on the Bible, liturgy, the word of the Catholic church and should be taught systematically. Catechism teaches how to be a conscious person, how to forgive, help others, love God and neighbors.

At the chapel of the Christian Social Center all present were greeted by the archbishop Tadewush Kandrusevich. He told about St. Ursula`s life that was valuable and united with Jesus Christ. The archbishop emphasized that St. Ursula was aware that children and youth – the future of the Church and the world. That`s why she devoted her life to raising them up.

The feast ended up with the musical performance of the folk band “Verbitsa”. Spiritual and folk songs were presented that gave a good opportunity to have some rest with joy and cheerful mood.

Children playgrounds and treats were prepared for all the participants of the feast.

More than 200 colorful photos full of emotions can be viewed in the album.