One Million Children Praying the Rosary in Hrodna

One Million Children Praying the Rosary in Hrodna

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One Million Children Praying the Rosary in Hrodna

On October 18, children from St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Hrodna joined the prayer action “One Million Children Praying the Rosary”.

The children greeted everyone with blue balls via the online video-conference. This is the color of Saint Mary, who covers with her heavenly cloak, protects and saves believers. The children brought to the service the most important thing, their Rosaries, which were blessed by Bishop Alyaxandar Kashkevich.

The prayer action “One Million Children Praying the Rosary” united online children in sincere prayer in the churches of Belarus. It is such a deep relationship with the Mother of God that we can learn from children!

Read also:

“One Million Children Praying the Rosary” United Children of Belarus