Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

On June 8, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ was celebrated at the Mission of the Good Samaritan. A traditional Eucharistic procession took place. 

Jesus Christ himself appointed the day to celebrate the Solemnity – on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. During the Last Supper, Jesus, before his crucifixion and death, instituted the Eucharist as the mystery of his constant presence in the world under the appearance of bread and wine. Glorifying the Most Holy Sacrament the members of the faithful acknowledge the presence of God in it. The mystery of the Eucharist most strongly unites people with God and with each other.

The celebration started with Holy Mass, after that all participants joined the Eucharistic procession with four prayer stops. Passages from the Gospel were read at each stop and homily was given. Throughout the route the members of the faithful stopped at the decorated altars to glorify God in their prayers. The solemn celebration once again reminds the truth that the most beautiful and the most worthy confession of Christ is the living heart of a person.  And the most beautiful procession is the approach to Him, the meeting with the Savior in Holy Communion.

All photos of the Eucharistic procession can be viewed in the album.