At all times the Ursulines had one major aim – to bring up children and the youth in Christian spirit. Hence, the dream of having their own educational centre was only natural. So they addressed Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz with the idea of starting an educational centre, and received his consent and full support.
On February, 2nd, 2011 authorities of the Republic of Belarus gave the Catholic Church a building in Minsk, at 19 Serafimovicha St. The building was in an emergency state and required a thorough restructuring and revitalization of the surrounding territory.
On February 28th , 2011 “Charitable Mission of Good Samaritan under the patronage of St. Ursula Ledochowska” was officially registered. Sister Chaslava Navitskaya USJK was appointed the Head of the organization. And so the works at the future Christian Social Centre began.
From 2011 to 2013 the Ursulines worked at developing the architechtural project and obtaining of its approval from the local authorities. At the same time, they were searching for sponsors to start the actual building. Courtesy of German Foundation “Renovabis”, Italian Episcopal Conference and thousands of concerned people the neccessary funds have been collected.
In the years 2013-2017 the building was completely re-made in accordance with the newest technology. The third floor was added, the old walls were strengthened with a metal frame and the chapel was built. There were only parts of outer walls left from the previous school building. In summer 2018 the new building was put in place.
May 29th, 2018 became the Bithday of Christian Social Centre. On this day Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz consecrated the building and announced St. Ursula a patron of the place. In September the very first school year of the Mission began. The building came to life.