Birthday Wishes for Marian Father Joseph Pyatushka

Birthday Wishes for Marian Father Joseph Pyatushka

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Birthday Wishes for Marian Father Joseph Pyatushka

On May 15, the kids and staff of the Mission of the Good Samaritan sincerely congratulated Marian Father Joseph Pyatushka on his birthday. He has turned 92.

Father Joseph Pyatushka was born on May 14, 1931 on a farm near Rositsa. In 1941, his family moved to Rositsa, where the future priest was preparing for confession and his first Holy Communion. In 1957, deacon Joseph Pyatushka put on a pastoral habit and still remains true to the motto of the Congregation of the Marian Fathers – Pro Christo et Ecclesia (for Christ and for the Church).

The little visitors and staff of the Mission cordially congratulated the venerable priest Joseph and wished good health, God`s generous grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Everyone sincerely thanked for the boundless devotion to the Church and love for God`s people.