Extended Day Groups for Schoolchildren

Extended Day Groups for Schoolchildren

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Extended Day Groups for Schoolchildren

We offer a useful, responsible, educational and informative time spent in the circle of friends who are close to universal values, in the presence of competent teachers and educators.

At the extended day group, students will receive:
-help in preparing homework;
-explanations and support in the analysis of unclear points in training;
-the opportunity to visit various classes (chess, music, art, language, sports).

The child will be surrounded by peers who live by Christian values. It contributes to the spiritual development of the individual and emotional maturation. Every child is a great treasure that we protect with love!

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 12:30 to 18:30 daily

Place: 19 Serafimovich St

Detailed information and registration by phone +375 (29)170-61-69