Grandparents’ Day is Celebrated at Mission

Grandparents’ Day is Celebrated at Mission

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Grandparents’ Day is Celebrated at Mission

The celebration began with a conference held by Fr. Alyaxandar Shamrytski. He emphasized that in the modern world there is a «throwaway culture», which puts first what is effective, productive, where older people have no value.

The priest noted that our event is a declaration against the culture of rejection.

The conference ended with a prayer through the intercession of Saints Anna and Joachim, the parents of the Mother of God. After that there was a ceremony of the  blessing of the throat by the candles of St.Blase. The ceremony is connected with a prayer through the intercession of the saint with a request to protect the throat from diseases and to use the voice properly.

Then there was a children’s performance dedicated to grandparents, everyone was impressed and happy. At the event, there were not only songs and poems, but also games with the participation of grandparents.