Great Saturday and the christening of the child

Great Saturday and the christening of the child

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Great Saturday and the christening of the child

On Holy Saturday, believers stay at the Holy Sepulchre, reflecting on the torment and death of the Savior, and especially on his departure to Adhlan. In sincere fasting and passionate prayer, believers are waiting for the Resurrection of the Savior.

On this day, many believers visited the chapel of the Christian Social Center to give Jesus the Eucharist at the Holy Sepulcher, and also brought dishes with them to bless them on the Easter table.

Great Saturday is a day of preparation for the celebration, when traditional Easter dishes are prepared and blessed. Dyeing eggs and making beautiful baskets with food for ordination is a whole art that takes our housewives a lot of time and brings great joy to children.

The water consecrated on this day is a symbol of the saving reality, first of all in the Sacrament of Holy Christening. Christening and the restoration of the promises of the cross occupy an honorable place in the liturgy, since this sacrament includes us in the saving mystery of Christ.

On this special day, the sacrament of christening was given to little Yuri in our chapel. This is a great joy for the Klachkou’s family, as well as for everyone present and the entire Christ Church. Everyone sincerely smiled and looked happily at the new child of God.

See all photos in the album “Great Saturday”.