International Children`s Day

International Children`s Day

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International Children`s Day

On June 2-4, the International Children’s Day was celebrated at the Christian Social Center. The holiday brought together the children of the Good Samaritan Charity Mission, members of the Samaritan community and pupils of the Gomel boarding house for disabled children with special needs.

International Children`s Day is not just a happy day for kids, when different entertaining and cultural events are held for them. It`s also a reminder for the society that it`s very important to protect children`s rights, so that all the kids could grow up happy, study and do what they are found of. Rich and interesting entertaining program was prepared for the kids and youth from Minsk and Homel.

On June 2, the children of the Mission and members of the Samaritan community shared their musical talents and organized a festive concert. As St. Augustine said: “He who loves sings.” The performers were so sincere in their singing that they really touched the hearts of the listeners. Through singing children learn to put Christian values ​​first, and the deep meaning of singing fills and enriches them for further daily life.

After the concert, the participants visited the Minsk zoo, the dino park and the dolphinarium. The children laughed while looking at the animals and fish, and also admired the dolphins that jumped, played with swords and drew. Communication with animals can free any child, and also prompts to think about the rich and wonderful world created by God.

On June 3, the participants went to Budslaw, where the final prayer meeting took place in the National Sanctuary as part of the Great Novena preparation for the 25th anniversary of the coronation of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Budslaw.

On June 4, the participants walked through Minsk central streets, admiring the city’s Catholic and Orthodox churches. On this day, the Catholic Church (as well as Orthodox brothers and sisters) celebrates one of the great celebrations – the feast of the Holy Trinity.

The conclusion of the three-day meeting was a service on the occasion of the celebration of the Holy Trinity. In the chapel of the Christian Social Center, priest Leanard Adushkevich celebrated the Holy Mass. He reminded those present of the legend of St. Augustine, who, while pondering the mystery of God, one in three Persons, met a boy on the shore of the sea. The boy used a cup to pour water from the sea into the dug hole. And when Augustine said the obvious – that it was impossible – he received the answer that it is also impossible for the human mind to understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity. This legend is a good reminder that we need humility when we try to understand and explain something about God. The limitations of our mind and, accordingly, the need for humility, however, become more and more apparent when we learn more about the universe we live in. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, incomprehensible to us in all its depth, and it is this love that shows how precious we are to God.

All photos of the spiritual and cultural program for the International Children’s Day can be viewed in the album.