Journey through Pages of the Bible

Journey through Pages of the Bible

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Journey through Pages of the Bible

From July 4 to July 14, the second round of the Vacation with God summer camp took place at the Mission of the Good Samaritan. A program called Journey through the Pages of the Bible was organized for children. Nine days of community recreation were rich, fun and useful! The participants of the summer camp got to know the heroes of the Bible stories, prayed, glorified God through joint creative activities. The children took part in interesting creative meetings and master classes, got to know themselves through training classes, visited the Minsk Planetarium and the Minsk Museum of City Passenger Transport. And, of course, active outdoor recreation, games and entertainment in good company awaited all participants on a daily basis.

Children had fun with their favorite characters Findus and Pettson. The interactive production based on the book “Pancake Pudding” by Sven Nordqvist with games, singing and movements gave the children a lot of joy and fun.

Carver Viktar Dudkevich from Glybokae visited to the Mission to share his knowledge with the children about the history of toys and the tradition of their manufacture, the history of writing and the beginning of book printing. The meeting participants had the opportunity to play with wooden toys, write on wax tablets and print on a mini-workshop.

A shadow puppet show based on the book “Crazi – Red Crocodile” taught children to make friends, develop self-concept, the ability to understand others, and the ability to manage relationships.

During the classes on the book “Skaryna for children”, the participants “travelled” with the first printer and learned where he was born, studied and printed. This whole journey was connected with Skaryna’s main business – printing books of the Bible. The result of the classes was new knowledge, bright title pages of the Bible books and portraits of Skaryna created by the children.

In the library, the children read the most nautical book – “The Great Adventures of Cocos Marakos” by Serzh Minskevich. The main character Kokos fell from the palm tree and swam. He ran away from the Shark, from the Saw Fish, from the Kalmaryk, from the Barracuda – just like a sea skunk! He visited Antarctica, returned again to warm lands, where a palm tree grew on a beautiful island. Children listened to a fairy tale-poem and painted sea animals.

The final event of the second round of the summer camp was the theatrical story “About the Good Neighbor”. The children themselves became actors and told their friends and parents, who came to see the production, about kindness and helping others. The children demonstrated that someone always needs a helping hand, and we have to lend it, because any of us can find ourselves in a difficult life situation. The final evening was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The children received souvenir gifts and a tasty treat.

Read also how the June summer book entitled “Pilgrim is a Creative Person” took place.

In August, the summer camp will continue! Read about all the tours of the “Vacation with God” summer camp, because each one has an interesting and unique program.

See you at the Good Samaritan Mission!

Details by phone: +375 (17) 343-99-17 / +375 (44) 770 09 01
