Lecture about Relationship between Parents, Teachers and Children

Lecture about Relationship between Parents, Teachers and Children

In other languages: pl be ru
Lecture about Relationship between Parents, Teachers and Children

The Christian Social Center will host an interesting lecture entitled:

How to Build Relationships between Parents, teachers and Children for the Benefit of Children

Speaker: Volha Pisaryk (Victoria, Canada — Minsk, Belarus)

She is a student and colleague of Gordon Neufeld, psychologist-consultant, director of the Russian-speaking department of the Neufeld Institute, founder of the online community of parents Caring Alpha, which started a new direction in parenting – alpha parenting.

Volha provides psychological counseling to parents, teaches at the Neufeld Institute, organizes Gordon Neufeld seminars in different countries, conducts her own seminars and webinars.

Author of brochures:

Commitment is a Vital Connection

Neufeld’s Model in Kindergartens


June 6, 6:00 p.m.


Minsk, str. Serafimovich, 19, 2nd floor, hall.