Readings of the new book “My Heart Skips and Laughs” by the Swedish writer Rose Lagercrantz took place in the library of the Christian Social Center. This is a book about a girl, Dunne by name, who never stopped hoping and believing, even when everything seemed hopeless…
Dunne finds herself in difficult life circumstances: her best friend has moved to another city, her classmates make fun of her at school, her teacher and dad are angry for no reason… It seems that the whole world is against her. Dunne hides from everyone and doesn’t even want to see her dad. This is a very relevant story, which shows how to survive loneliness and respond to problems, using Dunne’s example. The heroine of the book talks about her experiences very simply. The book allows you to discuss possible situations, and also shows how to remain optimistic, value friendship, forgive others and enjoy the simple things.
Read also about the following meetings in the library:
Classes on the book “Skaryna for Children“
Theatrical readings of the book “Fanechka. The Mandarin Story“
Classes on the books “Eve Drew a Grasshopper” and “Eve Drew a Dragon“
We invite you to classes in our library!