Life without Addictions. Opening of the Exposition

Life without Addictions. Opening of the Exposition

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Life without Addictions. Opening of the Exposition

On December 4, 2024, the opening of the exhibition museum space Life without Addictions will take place in the Christian Social Center.
Attention will be paid to the depiction of the main stages of the formation of addictions (alcohol, gambling, etc.) and ways out of problematic situations will be shown. Attention will be paid to such figures as writer Alaksandr Jelski, the priest Juozas Bulka, the writer Jan Barščeŭski, and those others who tried to show the problem of bad habits. It will also reflect what addictions are mentioned in the Bible.
The space Life without Addictions will be interactive.

The event starts at 18.30 (December 4, 2024).
We invite everyone.
Address: Minsk, Christian Social Center, 19 Serafimovich St.