Pilgrimage to Budslaw

Pilgrimage to Budslaw

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Pilgrimage to Budslaw

On the third of June, Budslaw church welcomed the pilgrims in all its grandeur and solemnity. The final prayer meeting was held in the National Sanctuary in Budslaw. It was a part of the Great Novena preparation for the 25th anniversary of the coronation of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Budslaw. On the ninth day of the novena, children gathered in Budslaw, who went to confession for the first time this year and received their first Holy Communion. The children of the Good Samaritan Charity Mission joined the prayer meeting. It was a very important and beautiful event. Girls in white dresses and boys in white coats witnessed a great miracle and received the Body of Christ in the main sanctuary of Belarus.

This day was very important for another group of visitors to Budslaw shrine – members of the Samaritan community and pupils of the Gomel boarding house for children with special needs, who united and visited the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the first time. Pilgrims came to worship the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which greeted them with its wonderful radiance. Our Lady of Budslaw is our Intercessor and Comforter, to whom we can offer our requests and prayers, entrust ourselves to her protection. She gives strength and hope, bestows miracles and spiritual graces.

The Solemn Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Joseph Staneusky who reminded the children and adults present that in the Holy Eucharist we unite with God. Jesus himself celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples and preceded his death in it. He offered himself as a gift to his disciples under the figures of bread and wine and ordered them to celebrate the Eucharist from that moment and after his death. The archbishop pondered together with the children, where one can meet God, and also sang with them joyfully and with a smile:

“Today is the day that
God gave, God gave!
Let’s rejoice, let’s rejoice
And we will be comforted in it!..”

After visiting Budslaw, the pilgrims went to Dauhinava to see the Church of St. Stanislau. Priest Edmund Dauhilovich-Navitsky greeted the pilgrims. He said that the church in Dauhinava is one of the few sanctuaries in the country that has always been active. Parishioners could attend services in the temple both during the war and during times of anti-religious persecution.

See more than 200 bright and emotionally rich photos in the photo album “Pilgrimage to Budslaw 3.06.2023“.