Samaritan Community Meetings for Adults and Youth with Limited Health Opportunities

Samaritan Community Meetings for Adults and Youth with Limited Health Opportunities

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Samaritan Community Meetings for Adults and Youth with Limited Health Opportunities

We invite you to the Samaritan community meeting for adults and youth with limited health opportunities. The main purpose of the classes is to create favorable conditions for socialization and comprehensive development, to improve communication skills, to create a community in which each participant will be able to receive support, reveal their abilities and potential.

Meetings take place on Thursday. The meeting schedule is below.


10.00-10.50 classes for the development of general and fine motor skills
10.50-11.00 break time
11.00-11.50 teaching about universal values
11.50-12.00 break time
12.00-12.50 fine art class
12.50-13.30 refreshments
13.30-13.45 departure

Venue: Minsk, 19 Serafimovich St
Additional information and registration:
+37517 343-99-17
+37544 770- 09-01 (reception)