Summer Camp God Gives Us Talents to Serve Our Neighbor

Summer Camp God Gives Us Talents to Serve Our Neighbor

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Summer Camp God Gives Us Talents to Serve Our Neighbor

From August 14 to 25, the fourth tour of the summer camp Vacation with God took place at the Mission of the Good Samaritan. The summer camp was held under the motto “God Gives Us Talents to Serve Our Neighbor”. For two weeks, the children pondered the word “vocation”, studied themselves, their abilities, talents and how they can serve others.

It should be noted that all, even the smallest participants, took an active part in the life of the summer camp:

prayed together and participated in the celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary;

  • strengthened the body with morning exercise and active outdoor games;
  • developed emotional intelligence and communication skills through games and tasks;
  • were looking for answers to the questions “What is a person`s vocation?” Why does a person have a vocation? How to find your own?”;
  • studied English;
  • made a pilgrimage to the city of Glybokae;

  • read, sang, drew and rejoiced together;
  • received guests and participated in the theatrical production “Mamma Moo Reads”.

The fourth tour of the summer camp was full of events and good emotions, and ended with a small party with the participation of parents.

Each tour of the Vacation with God 2023 at the Mission of the Good Samaritan had an interesting and unique program.
Read how richly, interestingly and fruitfully it took place:

See you at the Mission of the Good Samaritan!

Details by phone: +375 (17) 343-99-17 / +375 (44) 770 09 01