The solemn introduction of the relics of St. Ursula Leduchowska

The solemn introduction of the relics of St. Ursula Leduchowska

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The solemn introduction of the relics of St. Ursula Leduchowska

The solemn introduction of the relics of St. Ursula Leduchowska took place. On December 25, Christmas Day, a significant event took place in the Christian social center-the solemn introduction of the relics of St. Ursula Leduchowska into the chapel. Our charitable mission of the good Samaritan operates under the tutelage of this saint. During the Holy Mass celebrated by Archbishop Tadevush Kandrusiewitch, the relics were brought into the chapel and installed near the image of the saint. The ceremony was attended by the General Superior of the Ursuline Sisters, Sister Beata Mazur and Sister Teresa Ivan.

All photos from the unique event can be viewed in the photo album “Holy Mass 25.12.2022″.

Who is Saint Ursula Leduchowska?

Saint Ursula Leduchowska is the founder of the Congregation of the Ursuline Sisters of the Heart of Jesus Christ. A century ago, she was actively engaged in teaching and educating children in the spirit of Christian values in Poland, Russia, Scandinavia and Denmark. The congregation developed rapidly, legal houses and missions were established in Poland and in the western parts of Belarus and Ukraine. The sisters were engaged in kindergartens, schools, took care of the sick and powerless. Today, the Ursuline Sisters, living by the charisma of their founder, work among children and youth in many countries of the world, including Belarus.

Why celebrate relics?

The word “relics” is translated from Latin as remains. Usually they look like pieces of things or the body of a saint placed in a specially decorated reliquary. It can be quite miniature, or it can have large dimensions.

The relics of St. Ursula Leduchowska represent particles from her skin, which were placed in a round-shaped metal reliquary trimmed with Crystal, tied with red silk thread and sealed.

A physical meeting with a holy Person through the mediation of her relics makes it possible to realize the reality of our faith. The action of God means, the life of the saints are not just words, but first of all there are people from the body and blood who lived among us and found the peaks of holiness. Prayerful honoring of relics helps to experience a meeting with a holy Person more realistically.

We remind you that on December 11, during the Holy Mass at the Christian social Center, the relics of four saints were introduced into the chapel and honored: St. John Paul II, St. Pius X, St. Stanislau Papchinsky and Blessed Yuri Matulevich.

Welcome to the chapel of the Christian Social Center. Every meeting with the saint through the mediation of relics is an occasion to restore our faith in the power of God’s action.