There was Holy Mass and meeting dedicated to the printing of Psalms by Frantishak Skaryna

There was Holy Mass and meeting dedicated to the printing of Psalms by Frantishak Skaryna

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There was Holy Mass and meeting dedicated to the printing of Psalms by Frantishak Skaryna

Because of this event belarusian historian, who knows Scaryna and latinist Ales Zhlutka, gifted the library of the center with the collection of documents from European archives and libraries about Belarusian first printer.
The Liturgy took place on the Eve of Transfiguration of Our Lord which Catholics celebrate on the 6th of august. This day – one of the most important anniversaries in the culture and history of Belarus: the beginning of the national printing. On the 6th of august 1517 the first printer completed Psalms.

The researchers believe that Frantishak Skaryna chose the date of 6th august not occasionally. Skaryna wanted to emphasize the symbolism of the event: the publishing of the first book on the 6th of august meant spiritual “transformation” of his nation, which received Bible on its native language.