Toddler Groups: Together with Mom

Toddler Groups: Together with Mom

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Toddler Groups: Together with Mom

The Mission of the Good Samaritan has started exercise classes for children aged 1.5-3 years and their mothers. The group Together with Mom ​​is actively growing and developing! We invite you to join! The classes offer best practices for age-appropriate development and will gently prepare the child for further independent learning, order and self-care.

What is special about classes in such a group? Multifaceted development. The study room consists of several activity areas:

  • fine motor development area;
  • practical skills area;
  • sensory development area;
  • area of expanding the active dictionary;
  • sports and creative areas.

Educators conduct classes with children and advise parents on areas of immediate development, help to better understand the child and his needs.

Classes are organised according to the abilities and interests of younger children and include:

  • gymnastics
  • creativity
  • joint games
  • catechesis
  • short interesting lessons of learning about the world Science Without Coercion.

Venue: The Christian Social Center (19 Serafimovich str., Praletarskaya metro station)

Details and recording by phone: +375 17 343 99 17;

+375 44 770 09 01 Reception