Easter Lamb – Symbol of the Risen Christ

Easter Lamb – Symbol of the Risen Christ

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Easter Lamb – Symbol of the Risen Christ

There are many different dishes and elements on our Easter table that we do not know much, but they have rich symbolism. What does take a privileged place in the Easter basket: eggs, bread, salt, ham or cheese? The Easter lamb!

The sacrificial lamb is a prediction of the victim of Jesus Christ. Jesus spilled his blood on the cross and freed each person out of captivity of sin and kept from eternal death. At Easter the Jewish people sacrificed the lamb that reminded of the life-changing event in their history. When the Jewish people were in captivity in Egypt, God heard their requests for release and did not let them die. God ordered the Israelites to mark lamb’s blood above their doors. The residents of the marked houses survived. The unmarked houses were visited by God’s destructive power, which scared Pharaoh and forced to give freedom the Jewish people.

The Mission of the Good Samaritan prepares sweet Easter lambs that can be purchased for donations.

Address: The Christian Social Center (19 Serafimovich str., Minsk).