Happy Mother`s Day!

Happy Mother`s Day!

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Happy Mother`s Day!

Monday, October 14, was traditionally dedicated to the celebration of Mother’s Day. And this day started with the Holy Mass, during which Father Alaksandr congratulated the mothers and thanked them.

After a sincere prayer, inspired children and parents were invited to the performance prepared by the young visitors of the Center. Many of the children were on stage for the first time!

Parents and educators of the Mission are sincerely proud of the debutants. All the participants showed their best! Heartfelt words and joyful smiles touched mothers, causing tears of happiness and affection.

Dear mothers, thank you for the miracle you gave the world!

We will always be there for you and continue to help you walk this magical path of parenthood. Remember that the doors of the Center are always open for you, and the staff is on the side of parents and children.