Pilgrimage to Hlybokaye

Pilgrimage to Hlybokaye

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Pilgrimage to Hlybokaye

The Vacation with God summer visitors made a pilgrimage to Hlybokaye.

Young pilgrims noticed that two churches in Hlybokaye are outwardly very similar to each other – the Church of the Holy Trinity and the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, located next to each other in the historic center of the city. The Trinity Church was built in the 18th century. The cathedral was founded in the 17th century and for a long time it was the church of the Carmelite Catholic monastery. In 1865, the Catholic monastery was abolished, and after some time the temple was converted into an Orthodox church. This explains its atypical appearance for churches. First of all, the pilgrims went to the Church of the Holy Trinity, where the Holy Mass was celebrated by Fr. Alyaksandr Shamrytsky MIC. The priest drew the attention of those present to three portraits in the church. The church preserves the memory of the priests who were shot by the Germans in 1942 very close to the church – in the Barok tract near Berazvechcha, then a suburb of Hlybokaye. Priests Mechyslaw Bahatkevich, Uladyslaw Matskovyak and Stanislaw Pyrtak were killed for their pastoral activities. These martyrs were raised to the praise of the altars by the Holy Father John Paul II in 1999 together with the martyrs of other countries.​

The modern church in Hlybokaye is an architectural monument of the 18th and 20th centuries. However, as happens with old churches, the history began earlier. In 1641, the governor of Mstislawsk and the mayor of Diesen, Yazep Korsak, founded the construction of a wooden church in his part of the town. The children saw the portrait of the founder in the church, and later got to know this significant person for the city in the museum and the alley of famous countrymen. The brick shrine was built in 1783, in the church you can see a sign in honor of the consecration. In 1865, after the final abolition of the Carmelite The miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary Snow was transferred from the monastery to the parish church – this is a list of the Roman icon of the Mother of God, which is revered in Belarus. The name is explained by the miracle that occurred during the laying of the temple in Rome on August 5, 352. The Virgin Mary appeared to the founder in a dream and told them to build the temple where snow would fall – and it fell in the summer heat on the Esquiline Hill. Catholic Shrine of the Hlybokaye region they also call the icon of Our Lady of the Scapular, better known as Padhornaya. Many people began to receive graces and blessings because of Our Lady of Padhornaya, and in this way more and more ex-votes began to appear from grateful believers for the miracles and graces received.

A lot of furniture was also moved from the Carmelite monastery to the Trinity Church. Among them is the chair of the prior with the image of the coat of arms of the Carmelite order. Most recently, the bell returned to the church. In 2012, an electric pole was placed near the church and the storm rested on something solid. A bell was taken out of the pit, which is used today during the service. The bell was cast in 1882 in Warsaw.

In front of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary there is a beautiful gate with a fence. The cathedral is also interesting with its dungeons. For several centuries, its basements served as an underground burial ground for monks, and the founder of the monastery, Yazep Korsak, was also buried there.​

The children visited the Hlybokaye House of Crafts, which presents various creative directions: wood painting, pottery and clay modeling, embroidery, beadwork, making a Belarusian doll. Each cabinet is a kind of museum for the preservation of folk art. Masters have repeatedly presented their products at various exhibitions, became prize winners, winners of competitions. The masters are engaged in the revival of the tradition of painted carpets, started by the famous artist Yazep Drazdovich. Work is also underway to reconstruct and revive the production of local traditional costumes. Carver, artist and reconstructor of children’s toys Viktar Dudkevich showed toys from his unique collection. The children already knew the master and recognized his toys, because he recently came to the Mission of the Good Samaritan.

Young visitors really enjoyed the Hlybokaye Historical and Ethnographic Museum, where they got to know the rich and interesting history of the city and its inhabitants. The children took a walk along the avenue of famous people who were born or lived in Hlybokaye region with interest.